creative lenna

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Tiny moleskine journal is Finished!

The last spread  in my 2.5" x 3.5"

 moleskine journal

The small journal I began working in last September is now completed! This was a project I was inspired to start after my friend, Jewels Welsh did a spread in her gluebook journal that is the same size. Thank you Jewels, look what you started! Many therapeutic pages later I am smiling from a great deal of creative fun.

When I finished this last spread I had the idea to do a flip-through video of the finished Journal where I quickly take you through all the pages. It's not an Animoto video this time, just me speaking as I flip the pages. You can view this video on YouTube - or directly below if you like. I hope you enjoy! I've also updated the website template, still tweaking, but I'm happy already.

created by lenna young andrews: