creative lenna

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new year, old stitching, new placement!

In 2019, I dove into making Stitch Meditations, inspired by Liz Kettle. Stitch Meditations are small, 4x4 inch, hand-sewn squares that can help you to slow down & be present. I started in October and had created 100 by March! Then I sewed them together like a quilt -to use as a wall hanging for our home. I found some wall space in the hallway to hang this stitched piece and was so pleased to be able to see all my stitching! But as we approach the new year, I’ve made some changes. Below on the left, is where this piece originally hung — and on the right, you can see the new placement in a small alcove of the hallway. I also improved the hanging system, yay!

What spurred this change on is that we are having most of our interior walls painted! ALL of the paintings, fiber art and mixed media pieces had to come off the wall for our painter to do his work. It was then, when I had free choice of where to showcase this special fabric art, that I thought this place in our hallway would be better suited for display of this hanging. Close-ups below!

Liz Kettle has a fairly new Patreon Page, and I am planning on signing up this weekend! What is a Patreon Page? —From Liz: “Patreon is a platform for artists and content creators to get support for their work from patrons...just like in the Renaissance when patrons were the primary force behind the creation of many works of art. For patrons, you get to connect with the artists you love in a deeper way and know you are supporting their work. It allows for us regular people to show an artist we love their work even if we can’t afford their art or classes. You chose the tier in the amount you can pledge to support the artist each month. Each tier has special perks as a thank you for your support. You can cancel your pledge at any time. Pledges are processed the first of each month so don’t sign up at the end of the month.”

The full information is here: -For me, I would love the extra tutorials, posts, community and more - for a small monthly fee that also would support Liz. I would really like to return to making Stitch meditation pieces too, if simply for their meditative quality. And I mention Liz’s Patreon page just in case you were not aware of it - No affiliation!! Just sounds like a good thing to me.

I want to wish you all a happy & healthy new year, please take care and stay safe! I will be back to this space before too long . . . . If you’d like to see more - click the button below!