Fabric Paper Collage - A collaboration

This collage was not planned at all. It was one of those things that just happened. The scenario: I am preparing for a Tag Sale on May 9th & 10th, and it's forcing me to unpack the boxes I've been neglecting to open the past 6 months since we moved. I opened a box with lots of artwork inside that we had on display previously. Included was a drawing Steven had started of my eyes. When I saw it I gasped because I had forgotten all about it. My first reaction was, something needs to be done with this! It cannot just sit in a box . . . I called Steven at work to ask him if I could use it… was he done with it? Could I do something with it? YES, he said. By all means, you don't even need to ask! So I took his drawing and started to grab leftover paper off my table (from other projects) to create something more with his drawing . . . . This fabric-paper collage was very hard to photograph or even scan. Steven says that is probably because of the graphite used in the drawing…. I did my best!

There are snippets of fabric from the last collage I made and even some of the test stamping! There is a bit of the wallpaper I used to make envelopes for the Colour Groupies, and some of the base for both the silver and gold inchies I made for swaps hosted by Frieda Oxenham on ATCs-for-ALL.

. . . it's just wild that I simply added whatever was there on the table! For me at that moment, it was more important to create something than to worry too much what it looked like. I do like how this collage came out, but I also think it's a little unusual and not everyone will like it. I have never done a self-portrait before -- this is the closest I have come to doing one yet. I am very happy to have Steven's drawing that reflects my eyes, incorporated into a collage that will be displayed and enjoyed. By itself his drawing was not finished. I feel I’ve added to his artwork and created something that showcases his drawing. Another collaboration for us! Another collaboration for us! (hee hee -I have been asking Steven about doing this again lately!) It is a little strange to see my own eyes looking back at me . . . . .

The iridescent spheres, which I love, are from Alpha Stamps
