play with pink & green!

Over at My Artistic Life, Helga Strauss has challenged us to play with pink & green! Today I was inspired by all the wonderful entries I saw on ARTchix Studio. I decided to make some time for this challenge. I love pink & green so it was not too hard to find some good things to work with. I gathered up different fabrics & images to fit the theme and then played! This 'playing' morphed into a 9x12 art quilt.

I laid fabrics out and then stitched them together on my machine, attaching them to a batting piece at the same time. I started out around the edges and then changed the stitch and sewed randomly around the entire piece. That was fun! Then I sewed on various ARTchix Studio collage and transparency images. I used a white pen to accentuate and extend some of the lines on the fabric. Lastly, I glued a quote I had previously printed in pink onto plain muslin fabric with my own printer. It is one of my favorite quotes, and most appropriate for all the fun we have with Helga's blog challenges, yahoo group activities, swaps . . .

"Each of us has a spark of life inside us, and our highest endeavor ought to be to set off that spark in one another." -- Kenny Ausubel

: ) lenna young andrews, September 24, 2009