more mail art

I must admit mail art is something I never can get enough of, both the sending of and the receiving! It just does something for me . . .  here is an envelope I made with lots of ARTchix Studio collage images created by owner Helga Strauss and also some favorite rubber stamps of mine . . .

I like to art up the back of the envelope too,  if i have time ; ^  )

For sending the Ocean themed ATCs that I shared with you yesterday, i did this - click on it for a larger view.

The envelope was so big i could not even fit all of it on my scanner! I used a leftover portion of the fabric I printed the photo on in the middle. It was actually my test piece for stamping on before I went to the ATCs. I used a photo copy on paper of one of the ATCs for my return address . . . i think it looks cool. The stamping was done with thick black VersaCraft ink, and the Fish and the mermaid's tail got a dusting of psychedelic embossing powder which when heated, shimmers and turns from green to blue in the light. Send some mail art today!  : ) lenna young andrews - April 7, 2010