365 Somethings 2018
This 365 project is based on creating a small piece of art to represent each day of the year done daily, or at your own pace. Hanna Andersson and Tammy Garcia developed this idea & invited students, blog followers & the public to join them. Visit Tammy's website: Daisy Yellow Art for more ideas on how to start your own 365 project. Lenna’s 1st 100 days of 2018 are below -with links for more pieces & a video, at the bottom of the page.
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1st of 60 4"x4" canvas squares
Continuing with 3”x3” watercolor cards:
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The video below is a collaborative effort sharing Lenna’s approach to a 365 project. When Wayne Gallasch, a professional videographer from Australia visited the US to film an event, he requested to interview Lenna on how she creates for daily projects.