100 Stitch Meditations

I started with one square and enjoyed it so much I continued… it became another 100 Day Project! The squares are so small you’ll find them easy & quick to make. Both novice and more experienced sewers, anyone who likes hand sewing will enjoy Stitch Meditation. It is a calming and meditative practice developed by Liz Kettle. An article she wrote about the practice was published in the Oct/Nov 2019 issue of Quilting Arts Magazine on pages 30-34.

Luna says, can I help?

Luna says, can I help?

Any type of fabric, even small scraps are sewn onto a 4” x 4” base of ordinary felt, flannel or cotton/linen fabric. Liz prefers flannel for the base and explains why in this video she shares on her website. Liz invented Stitch Meditation in 2014. Learn more on her website: Textile Evolution. She offers Stitch Meditation Kits with a selection of fabric, threads and pre-cut base fabric to help you get started.


December 2019, Lenna doing a Stitch Meditation

Lightning is always interested in my fabric art!

A few of my early Stitch Meditations…


View all of the 100 Stitch Meditations in this Photo Album. When my goal of 100 was complete I stitched all the squares together.

Click on the wall hanging to view full size!

On April 20th, 2020: 5 rows are sewn & I’m halfway to 100!

In the photo above they are laid out in order, 1-100 and ready to sew together. To view each square in the wall hanging visit: 100 Stitch Meditations.

To create the wall hanging I sewed my Stitch meditations to 5”x 5” blocks of fabric, then sewed them together. It took some time, but it was worth it! Then I took a break. A few months later I picked it up my needle again, making an additional 33 squares you can see on the Stitch Meditations 2 page. My goal in sharing them is hopefully, to inspire you to try this creative practice yourself!

Click below to view more Stitch Meditations on page 2