— Stitch Meditations 2 —
I learned about Stitch Meditations via an article written by Liz Kettle in the Oct/Nov 2019 issue of Quilting Arts Magazine. After I read her article, I created one square, then continued making them for 100 days! To view them and the wall hanging I created with them, visit Stitch Meditation page 1.
I took a break after making 100. A few months later after adding embroidery stitches to a dress, I was inspired to get my stitch meditation supplies out again! It was relaxing to slowly stitch again and so I decided to create a few more stitch meditations….
Stitch meditation #133
I loved combining fabric, thread and dyed cheesecloth together to create this stitch meditation. Beads were added for texture. This is the last one for now, but I am sure to return!
Making and stitching these squares was a soothing process, so I made time to do this a few times a week.
A gallery of stitch meditations #101-#130