fabric collage - more
I had forgotten I had a couple more pictures in my camera related to Frieda's fabric collage technique I recently tried . . . please read the two posts before this one: 'Fabric Collage' and 'Journal Quilt #24' - for more about this!
Prints of my Fabric Paper Collage
The 6 reprints of my fabric/paper collage that I copied onto Matte Photo paper (L), and also the 3 reprints I copied onto 'fabric sheets' on the top right . . . The original collage is shown on the bottom (click on the photo for more detail). One of the fabric sheets was home-made, meaning I ironed muslin onto freezer paper to send it through my printer. That's the one on the bottom of the 3 . . . and the one I used to make my journal quilt #24 with. The other 2 fabric sheets are commercially made and whiter & brighter!
This photo shows my journal quilt in progress . . . for the finished quiltie, see the NEXT post. I love seeing the actual tissue paper of the fern-like plant on top of the cloth that holds the photo copied version of the same image! It's darker and repeats the pattern, which I like. I am excited about this new technique (for me) that I learned from Frieda. I think this is just the beginning for me!