creative lenna

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Journal Quilt update

This is a small photographic "mosaic" I made of all the journal quilts I created in 2007. You can click on the scan for a larger picture.

I started creating these Journal Quilts last January with a goal of creating one journal quilt a week. In fact, that is what really drove me to start blogging - so I could write about my creating & share it! I started these journal quilts as a personal challenge to keep myself creating regularly & also to make pieces that Steven & I would keep, instead of me sending them away as a swap or a gift. I did that too, but these were specifically for us. I wanted to create 50 journal quilts by the end of the year . . . .

Well, in August we decided we needed to move and put our house up for sale -- it sold in record time & we found our new home and moved - all within about 4 weeks time! Needless to say, my attention was elsewhere after August and through the end of the year. I am so happy I did create about one journal quilt a week for as long as I did. At the end of December I had made twenty-eight - 6" x 6" journal quilt squares!

Today I set up a new sewing machine that I just got last week (whoo whoo!). Now I am really itching to put these journal quilts all together. I have always wanted to create a large fabric wall hanging and this was my tricky way to do just that. Although, I would like to have each square flip-able, if possible, so the viewer could read the journaling on the back of each piece. I will put my thinking cap on and let you know when I accomplish my goal in full - I will share the finished piece here.

Thanks as always for looking! Lenna 1/17/08