dictionary love
The prompt I followed this time (from daisy yellow) for this spread in my art journal is called dictionary love. : )
I have used old dictionary pages before in altered books and collage art, but never quite like I ended up doing here. There was a guest artist on the daisy yellow site (see 'prompt' link above) sharing ways to utilize old dictionary pages and I am sure her ideas helped me to branch out in my thinking. I really like the way this spread came out. I took a bunch of photos of the process and finished art journal page.
I started by covering the page spread with sections of the dictionary pages I liked.
Then I used colored pencils to circle or highlight the words.
Soon after that I used watercolor crayons for more oomph!
I did not have a plan but doodled around connecting my chosen words.
I grew up in Glastonbury, CT - that's why I chose that word to highlight : )
I added white watercolor with my crayon to blend and meld . . .
After I wet it it looked like this . . .
The other side of the spread before I added doodles with a white pen . . .
The full spread finished with my positive affirmation:
I am present
Close up, on the left side:
Close-up on the right side:
(I spelled 'fearless' wrong - must fix that!!)
I used a white uni-ball SIGNO pen and it worked great!
Steven took some photos : )