playing in my pocket journal
It had been about a week since I dove into this small handmade journal . . . find out how-to make one here. So, I spent a little bit of time yesterday and filled three sets of pages with artmarks . . . click on any photo for a larger view.
I like to share how the page looked when I started (if I remember to take a photo!) and then also show how I progressed. This little journal has a lot of spray inks and I even dripped ink on the pages more than once. I've used multiple scraps of ledger paper that were removed from a family ledger before I remade it with blank pages into my urban journal. The extra removed pages are out on my desk because I like them. Sometimes use them as a shield so that ink spray does not get on the other pages . . . . the ledger pages end up looking cool from the various inks, so I cut them to fit the pocket journal!
I noticed I've also done a number of sets of pages on my great Uncle, William Glackens. My grandfather's sister married William Glackens in 1904 - they had a daughter whom they named Lenna, in 1914 :o). So you can see why this connection is so important to me. I am the family historian on Glackens and have been to the NSU Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale many times to view his work there and talk with the director Bonnie Clearwater and Curator Barbara Lynes. This museum has "the largest collection anywhere of works and archival materials by American painter William J. Glackens and his circle, including John Sloan, George Bellows, Maurice Prendergast, and Glackens’ wife Edith Dimock." I will need to travel there again soon to see the new exhibit there: Midnight in Paris & New York: Scenes from the 1890s – 1930s, William Glackens & his Contemporaries (Feb 4-Oct 18, 2018). It looks great! Here on my own website I have written a bit about Glackens and shared many examples of his beautiful paintings.
So, I like that this pocket journal is a great place for me to play, leave my art marks, explore materials and weave in things that are important to me . . . thank you for stopping by and following along. Any questions, use the comment box below!
“Each day is a new life. Seize it. Live it.”