365 Somethings in 2018
I read about this project on Hanna Andersson's Blog & started thinking about it. The idea of a 365 art project intrigued me. A few days later, I read about it again on Tammy Garcia's Daisy Yellow Blog and really started thinking about doing this project. Ta-da! I decided to do it. :o)
I am committing to making 365 "somethings" in 2018. Why? because I like personal challenges. They inspire me to get busy and actually do some work/play on something I want to practice. It helps me if have a goal, a flexible goal designed so I don't beat myself up if I miss a day or two . . . this 365 challenge provides me with just that. It won't be hard to make a few small canvases at the same time if I need to catch up or just feel like it, because this is a flexible project. One "rule" is just to finish your 365 goal by 12/31/2018. I cannot wait to see *365* 4x4 pieces created by me at the end of the year, whoo-hoo!
I thought a lot about it and finally decided to do 4 x 4 canvases. I may paint, I may spray inks, use pastels, watercolor crayons . . . I might draw, or do collage, or sew a fabric collage & attach it to the canvas! Lots of freedom to go where my muse takes me. I'm already happy with what I did today, which I will share with you here. I am showing you how I treated the base canvas on the left, and what I added to the base on the right.
Being part of this project and posting what I make to social media like Instagram using the hashtag #365somethings2018 - I'll be able to see what other artists are doing and receive much inspiration and creative JOY!
If you would like to find out more go to this link. You can start anytime . . . I just started today!
“Don’t apologize for who you are or the art you create.”