In sight, in mind
A couple of weeks ago I was doing a few quick gel plate prints because I had saved some interesting leaves I wanted to print. I also used some leftover white paint like a mask with the gel plate, printing on top of some old calendar art . . .
I used the piece above in an earlier art journal spread (more pictures) . . .
I had also made a similar mask-like print with a beach scene. I left it out on my counter when I was done printing. I’ve found leaving things out where I can see them, is a sure way to get me to incorporate them into my art. In sight, in mind!
I used it to do this spread in my Urban Journal -there are lots more pages to be seen there -follow that link, plus info about this class that I took online with Roben-Marie Smith (learn how to make it!). Below are detailed pics of the spread:
The finished spread
I took the beach scene (which my husband calls “cold & wintery” - I guess, yes!) pasted it into the journal and outlined some of the images with colored pencils. They were really faint and the white Gel Print mask over it made it harder to see. I used a foam brush and swirled more white paint around the image and the other page. I smooshed Color Box inks on with a sponge applicator and added dye inks with a brush. A little spritzing of water to blend! Rubber stamps with permanent ink came next and then a bit of writing on the fly. That satisfied me! The sewing you see is from where I stitched papers on the previous page. See all pages HERE.
Take time to do something creative, no matter how small!
Yours Creatively, Lenna
“Creativity, as has been said, consists largely of rearranging what we know in order to find out what we do not know. Hence, to think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.”