365 project and art journaling - updates!
I’ve continued creating on 3x3 art cards for 356 somethings 2018 and have added a few more that you may not have seen yet? Click on any art card for a larger view!
How they started
(watercolor crayons)
I am now up to 279 creative somethings as of October 4, 2018. Every few days I do a few more and add them to the website. It’s quite a bit to keep up with (recording them), but I do enjoy the whole process! To take a peek at my 365 somethings, begin with page one.
Art Journal
I’ve added to my Urban Journal
I’ve also gotten into adding to the Urban Journal that I made with Roben-Marie Smith, via her online workshop. This is a FREE class that Roben-Marie offers!! Follow the link to learn more. You gut an old book, save the cover, then sew new pages in. This was as much fun to make as it is to fill!
My most recent set of pages were a combination of gel printing on top of an old calendar page and collage with found objects (feathers). I found it very satisfying to do. A few pics are below. You can look at a video of my finished journal (before I added art to it) as well as a nice view of all the pages I’ve arted-up HERE!
So, that is some of what I have been up to! I have also been busy going to pilates. I started going to Club Pilates (at that link you’ll find a photo of me!) on November 11, 2017 when it opened close to our home. Tomorrow will mark my 175th class!! I am hoping by my 1-year anniversary next month that I will be very close to 200 classes :) I do pilates 4-5 times a week and I am a LOT stronger now. I have lost 10 lbs this year . . . but I still need to lose more for my health! I am definitely happier and love being stronger. Lots of resistance & core work. If I am a bit stricter with my sugar & carb intake, the weight will drop again.
I hope that all is as well as it can be with you and yours. Remember, a positive attitude can be so helpful. Even in the worst of times it can lift you up. Stay strong!
“Let your thoughts be positive for they will become your words. Let your words be positive for they will become your actions. Let your actions be positive for they will become your values. Let your values be positive for they will become your destiny.”
creatively yours, Lenna