Gel plate printing (adventure)
Some prints that are nice, but not what I was going for!
I was attempting to do gel plate image transfers for an upcoming exchange with friends Jo & Jewels, but only in one case did I get a hint of an image transfer! I have gone back and re-read the instructions as well as the comments that followed the article and I'm ready to try again. I do like the prints I made, but they were not what I was trying to do!
Right: Original magazine image with paint, Left: Just a hint of the image transfer
The article and video by Birgit Koopsen are on the Gelli Arts Blog - Resist Printing. When I attempt this technique again I am going to try using a higher quality paint like Golden, and less paint in general when printing. That may help, although image transfers are often tricky and not always successful. I do hope that it works, because that would be fun to accomplish. However, I am really quite happy with the painted backgrounds I made today by mistake!
“Part of the joy of looking at art is getting in sync in some ways with the decision-making process that the artist used and the record that’s embedded in the work.”