Daisy Yellow Muse
My muse inspired
art journal
The Daisy Yellow Muse weekly email is created by Tammy Garcia of Daisy Yellow Art! I signed up and have received a weekly dose of creative goodness from Tammy, through Muse for seven weeks now. In the beginning, I enjoyed her writing about making art, her videos and inspiration, but I did not try any of the exercises. I was pretty busy doing other projects and it was not a requirement to do anything. So I just read & enjoyed! How lovely and relaxing.
But today, I was inspired by Tammy’s creative ideas in her latest email. I also really felt like I needed to do some art, so the Muse email was perfect. I jumped in and totally enjoyed playing with paint and doing collage. I ended up creating a notebook to use for anything I might do in the future, related to Daisy Yellow Art Muse. Read more about Tammy’s weekly email and sign up HERE. Yes! It’s really good. :0)
Below is a small Gallery of photos from my Muse Art Journal. You can click on any photo for a full photo and use the side arrows to view all photos in the Gallery!
Use the comment section to tell me what you think!
And a shout-out to my dear friend Sharon Borsavage - I was looking for things to include in my journal spread and your 2015 Bird ATC has been pinned up on my studio wall for 6 years now! I decided I would give it a proper home in my new art journal. :o) xo Thank you!
“Creativity occurs in the moment, and in the moment we are timeless.”