Collaborative Altered Books: turn an old book into art with a friend!
A discarded book can be the perfect canvas. It’s inviting to use an old book instead of a blank journal. Pick a theme for your book & find a friend to collaborate with; encourage and inspire each other as you share your ideas & your pages. In the exchange below, Sharon and I worked in both books. The first gallery shares Sharon’s book with our pages on a bird theme. The books were mailed numerous times until both books were filled with our art.
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Lenna’s book: A children’s songbook with a Nature theme
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Lenna's Book
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Intro . . .
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Songs for children!
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This window opens . . .
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me with my grandmother (top)
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Sharon's zinnias
Find a discarded book. Add a friend to collaborate with & inspire each other through your shared art pages.
Letter Journals are another collaborative project you could try….