100 Days of Small Drawings

In 2024, I challenged myself to daily drawing in a small 3-1/2” x 5-1/2” moleskine journal for The 100 Day Project. My goal was to gain more experience drawing and feel more confident. Mixed media collage, art journaling and fabric art are activities I enjoy frequently, while drawing has been an occasional activity. I’ve now completed 70 out of 100 small drawings so far. View photos of my small drawing journal below. Click to enlarge and then swipe through, or use the side arrows to create a slideshow. Thanks for looking, I hope this inspires you.

The 100 Day Project is a daily creative challenge where participants make a commitment to explore something for 100 days. Is there a creative project you would like to work on and need to make a commitment in order to start it? Or is there something you want to learn more about, get better at, or enjoy exploring? Visit the 100 Day Project website for more information about this project and ideas on how to begin.

To view other 100 day projects, use the content links below.