Journal Quilt #20


My weekly Journal Quilt.... here I was I wrote, printed onto fabric and used for the back of the JQ:

May 29th, 2007 * Journal Quilt Number 20 * To be elated*

Another week has come & gone since I did my last Journal entry, it’s hard to believe! This weeks’ fabric journal started earlier last week with the idea of wanting to try a new technique and then use the technique for my inspiration. Typically I have been feeding off what is happening around me for inspiration. At the same time I was also working on 2 fabric pages for a new yahoo group I joined, Fabric in Altered Art ( ) -a yahoo group). One of these fabric pages had a Vintage theme. I had a beautiful postcard from 1907 that I had been saving, but never used. I thought I could COPY this postcard directly onto fabric to create my Vintage page for the group. Then, when copying the postcard I thought, why not send it through again and make another piece? On the spur of the moment I decided to send my prepared fabric through the printer a number of times; copying the handwritten side of the postcard over or near the beautiful picture side I had previously copied. I created my own little fabric collage sheet; what fun!

I used one side for my 6” x 6” Vintage page for the group, and used the other for my journal page. On both I added a paper image from the “That’s Amore” sheet you can find at ARTchix Studio. The romantic nature of the postcard image brought my thoughts to my wedding and marriage to Steven Deming, 2 years ago this June 11th. For my Journal Quilt I found a leftover program and added some of the words from our ceremony to the JQ. I aged it with walnut ink and when it was dry, glued it to the fabric. Again, when it was dry I gave it a light coat of matte medium to protect the paper.

The fabric surrounding the handmade fabric collage sheet is leftover fabric from my wedding dress, which I sewed & stamped myself! So, I started with a new technique, but obviously still get inspiration from my life : ) lenna

Here is what my own fabric collage sheet looked like before I cut it up to create my Journal Quilt and the Vintage fabric page. Also the back of the JQ. You can see I like rough edges!