Journal Quilt #21

Journal Quilt number 21, so far this year! The back of this reads as follows:
June 05, 2007 * Journal Quilt Number 21 * *To begin*
This weeks’s fabric journal quilt is continuing to work with my recent idea of trying a new technique to get the quiltie started. In pondering what new thing I could do with fabric, I thought: Why not some kind of mono-print with paint onto fabric for a background?
I experimented and like the results. I poured dollops of Jacquard paint (Textile, Lumiere & Neopaque) onto a piece of double thick freezer paper, then folded the paper together once in the middle to mix the colors a bit. Then I unfolded it and pressed my 6” x 6” muslin square into the paint and peeled it back off. There was enough paint so I was able to print patterns onto not just one piece, but 2 muslin squares. Then there was a little leftover paint so I tried printing onto a smaller square of patterned fabric just to see what it looked like, and let the pieces dry.
I like the swirling & mixing of the paint and I’m happy with my experiment! I used one of the muslin pieces as the base of my journal quilt and glued a transparency of 3 butterflies (Alpha Stamps) onto the bottom right corner with Tacky glue - it dries clear. Next I stamped one of the 9 muses from Alpha Stamps. I used black VersaCraft ink and pressed firmly on top of the dried printed paint background. I used my heat gun to dry & Heat Set the ink. Some of the stamped image went on top of the Transparency I used earlier, but because I heat set the VersaCraft ink, it did not smudge and it will be permanent. I added a piece of colorful mesh just for interest; it was on my table from a different project and just right I thought. Then I added a word stamp that I love from Zettiology: In creating, the only hard thing is to begin. The lime green rick-rack I glued on was the finishing touch! : ) lenna
Here's a little photo-montage on HOW I did this . . . click on the smaller photos for a closer view.