52 weeks of creativity -drawing & stitching, photos
Jan 15 -Another week has gone by! This week I did a LOT of photography, more than anything else. Although, I did hit a couple of my other weekly goals, which is good. I missed some again, but I know I will get to them now that I have spoken my intentions!
I started off the week by doing a bit of drawing in the reusable Rocketbook notebook that my husband Steve gave me. He actually hands me my notebook some evenings, as he knows I want to draw more! He uses a Rocketbook notebook every night to draw, scan and share his cartoons. I did 3 drawings:
I never think my drawings are anything fantastic, instead I think of them as another way for me to be creative. Steve insists I have a true drawing style and is envious!!! He says he could pick my drawings out of a line-up, anywhere! I am glad for all his support. I like drawing, but for some reason I do not feel very good at it! Maybe that is why I want to draw more?
Above, the Stitch meditation pieces I did this week. I notice now that I let some time go by between making them. There are only 3 finished for this week! I do not let it bother me if I am not into making one every day, although in the beginning I did make one most every day. Still, having done 72 since October 11th is something to be proud of! So, I did get this sewing in, but I have not returned to Dallas’ quilt - YeT!
This is what I concentrated on this week
It makes sense to me that I concentrated on photos this week. I returned to uploading a daily photo to my blipfoto journal on January 1st -after a long break. I started using the blipfoto online photo journal way back in 2010! Blip has a lovely, friendly, supportive community, so nice. I missed my friends and my journal there. So now I’m back, managing my commenting so not to get overwhelmed. And giving myself permission to NOT have to post everyday! Here’s a slideshow, with some of the photos I took this week:
Of course, not all of these were posted at blipfoto, but I usually take a lot of photos, then narrow the selection down. I certainly appreciate you stopping by. I am aiming to do this creativity wrap up every week to keep my commitment strong. I am sure the post will morph and change as the weeks go on and I am excited to see what happens! Thanks for your interest!
“Creativity occurs in the moment, and in the moment we are timeless.”
❤ yours creatively, Lenna