January 9, 2023 update


Photos from the first week of January 2023!

Hello again! I wanted to write this blog post yesterday, but having a cold kept me away. I took some time out to rest instead. There was lots & lots of sneezing and nose blowing, with some coughing but no fever. My husband Steve got it first and was feeling better in about 3 days - just as I was coming down with it! At least we could take care of each other! Neither one of us has had a cold for a while - could this be covid? I found out from reading about it that our symptoms did not match up, they were more the symptoms of a common cold. We both stayed clear of covid so far . . . and we would really like to keep it that way! I hope you have been able to stay well, or at least recover quickly.

I sewed 5 more quilt blocks this past week and then sewed them together.

These 5 blocks make up 1/2 of one row. One row = 10 blocks. Lately, I have certainly been taking my time working on this quilt. But there are only 5 more blocks to finish the 9th row, so I must be doing something!! The 10th row is the last row for this quilt top. It is exciting to be near the fun part of putting it all together! This new quilt follows the same pattern as the quilt you see in the first photo above. Our little dog Daisy loves to snuggle on the couch in the Color Mix quilt made in 2020. I am so glad she loves it so much! ❤


Morgan Harper Nichols: www.morganharpernichols.com/


The quilt so far with a new half of a row pinned on:

Eight and 1/2 rows! 01-09-23

Another highlight of last week was re-connecting to my Blipfoto Journal. I started adding to it in 2010 and have so far made 2,393 entries, if you can imagine! Blipfoto is a photo sharing site where you can upload one photo a day, sharing from your day and writing about it if you like. I had not participated for the entire year of 2022! Sometimes, I’ve needed to take a break from blipfoto if I was otherwise involved in too many other art projects to keep up with it. But blip must be something I do enjoy, as I always return after a break! My blipfoto journal page is found here on my profile page on the site. Depending on your device, you may need to scroll down to see my entries — and note that you do not have to sign in or register to see what I have done there.

It has been wonderful to be back to this practice. I have visited some of my previous entries and have refreshed forgotten memories . . .

This time I am not requiring myself to feel I must post a daily blip. It is working out well for me .

Enough about me! Please feel free to respond in a comment below, or by replying to this if you are receiving it as an email newsletter, or there is always my Contact page. Thanks for checking in! ❤lenna